Functional medicine sits at the intersection of western medicine and alternative medicine. Western medicine is excellent when it comes to treating acute care. Break a bone? Have a heart attack? Asthma attack? Then absolutely, how lucky are we to have science and medication on our side to be able to treat such events. But when it comes to more chronic illness, western medicine can be more reactive as opposed to proactive, and quickly diagnose and prescribe away without looking at the reason why an individual came to be ill. Functional medicine aims to prevent individuals from heading towards the path of illness and disease. And when illness and disease are already present, then we ask the question why and approach the answer in a more holistic and natural way.

Let’s compare functional medicine to conventional medicine. When you have a broken bone, you see an orthopedic surgeon. When you have a skin problem, you see a dermatologist; a heart problem…cardiologist. You get the idea. Conventional doctors work within the confines of that particular body system they are specialized in (orthopedics, dermatology, cardiology, etc.)
This is where functional medicine differs from conventional medicine: functional medicine takes into account every single body system, how they function together, and their influences on the other body systems. 

Functional medicine seeks to find the root cause of a health issue. There are many different factors that could be influencing the root cause and since everyone is biochemically unique, no two people are treated the same, even if they are experiencing the same symptoms.

This is where I come in. I take a deeper look into your past health history as well as your current lifestyle and work with you to find the root cause. Conventional doctors typically treat the symptom and may treat many patients the exact same way . This merely places a bandaid on the actual problem which will only perpetuate the issue. My goal as your functional medicine consultant is to not only manage your symptoms but to help heal the underlying issue.

Great question! A Health Coach is a compassionate guide and expert in wellness. We assist individuals in improving their well-being through personalized adjustments to your diet and lifestyle, tailored to your specific needs and health objectives.

Health coaching doesn't adhere to a singular diet or lifestyle. As a Functional Medicine Health Coaches, I focus on the concept of bio-individuality - a fancy way of saying that I treat each person as unique and as someone who has distinct dietary, lifestyle, emotional, and physical requirements. I don't believe in a one-size-fits-all approach to health and wellness. Instead, Health Coaches collaborate with our clients to help them discover the most effective ways to nourish their bodies, cultivate healthy habits, and achieve optimal well-being by identifying what works best for them.

We don't just focus on what's on your plate; we're all about nourishing your whole self. Health Coaches emphasize health beyond mere nutrition by addressing nourishment through "primary foods" - aspects of life that profoundly impact short- and long-term health, such as relationships, career, spirituality, physical activity, and environment. That means we talk about everything that makes you, well, you! 

Integrative Nutrition Health Coaches integrate these principles of bio-individuality and primary food, along with a wide array of dietary theories and coaching techniques explored during our training, to adopt a comprehensive and proactive approach to health. We can work solely with our clients as well as collaborate with other healthcare professionals. Health Coaches play a crucial role in guiding individuals towards healthier lifestyle choices.

What is functional medicine?

What is an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach? 

How Can We Work Together? 

I am happy to connect with you via zoom, phone call, or *in person (dependent on location, best suited for people in the San Diego area). 

Which Service is Right for Me?

If you're not sure which service to book, sign up for any one of the free consultations and we can talk about your needs and health goals in the meeting and determine which program will best support you. Or feel free to send me an email. 

Can I Still Work With You Even If I Don't Have Menstrual Cycle Health Issues?

Absolutely! Together we can focus on addressing your health concerns, be it hormonal or non hormonal, autoimmunity, stress, food intolerances, gut issues, or simply wanting to learn how to feel better in general. I’m here to help you understand the unique needs of your body! 

Why Should I Work With a Health Coach?

You know how when you go to the doctor’s office, you get about 15 minutes with them, they barely listen, give you a one-size-fits-all answer to all your problems or just write you a prescription, and send you on your way? 

With a health coach, you’re not left high and dry to figure out how to “get healthy”. You’ve got a teammate, an accountability partner, a support system. We don’t do one-size-fits-all. We create a your wellness plan together, taking in to account your needs, what you like, how you want to heal your body, and your goals. Whether it's eating better, dealing with stress, or boosting your energy, we'll create a plan that's just right for you, and we’ll help you eliminate road blocks standing in the way of your healing and help you reach and maintain your goals. 

Skeptical About Working With a Health Coach? Here Are Some Concerns You Might Have: 

Absolutely! As a Health Coach, I provide personalized guidance and support tailored to your needs, helping you make sustainable changes that lead to real results. Together, we'll create a plan that fits your lifestyle and goals, ensuring effectiveness.

Will working with a Health Coach really make a difference?

Is it worth the investment?

Think of it as an investment in your long-term health and happiness. With a Health Coach, you're not just getting advice; you're getting support, accountability, education and guidance tailored to you. It's about empowering you to make sustainable lifestyle changes that work for you. I focus on evidence-based practices and proven strategies to help you achieve lasting results.Plus, the benefits of improved health and well-being are priceless!

I'm too busy to commit to another thing in my schedule.

I get it, life can be hectic! But think of working with a Health Coach as an investment in yourself. We'll work together to find manageable changes that fit into your lifestyle, making it easier to prioritize your health without adding stress.

I'm embarrassed about my health habits and don't want to be judged.

There's absolutely no judgment here! I'm here to support you, no matter where you're starting from. We'll work together in a safe and non-judgmental environment, focusing on progress, not perfection. Remember, working with a Health Coach is about finding solutions that work for you and supporting you every step of the way. Let's overcome these concerns together and get you on the path to a healthier, happier life!


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